I deepen your understanding
of your products, processes, and users

As a research scientist and data expert

I apply a variety of methods, appropriate to research questions and settings.
My goal is to provide the best insights by taking a data-driven approach and by triangulating research.


I use qualitative methods, like contextual interviews, user diaries, and usability testing. I focus on online studies to reduce costs and required time.


  • Lead remote usability tests, including 6 facilitators and 18 participants on 3 sites at a time

  • Facilitated various workshop to create and refine personae, user journeys, user stories, and such

In addition, I use quantitative methods to assess task completion, time-on-task, and user satisfaction. As a trained research scientist, my studies are sound, and my recommendations are based on thorough statistical analysis.


  • Lead studies (ISO 9186-3:2014) with more more than 2,200 participants on four continents, in seven countries, and two languages

  • Conducted successfully multiple online surveys with more than 200 participants each

UX metrics & KPIs

ux metrics

I use UX metrics, that is, data from quantitative research, to demonstrate improvement and track project success. I define key performance indicators and prove their contribution to business goals.

Method Innovation

Not least, I have developed research methods that have been adopted by designers, researchers, and businesses.

For example, I developed a remote research process, including crowdsourced online studies and a computer-assisted multi-stage analysis:

Step 1

Study participants are recruited using crowdsourcing platforms, like Mechanical Turk or Clickworker.

Step 2

Participants note their ideas and experiences concerning a given design or software using online tools, like LimeSurvey.

Step 3

Data is analyzed using annotation software, like TreeTagger and AntConc, to generate word and n-gram frequency lists.

Step 4

Only one researcher analyzes the lists and identifies response patterns which she codes into categories.

Step 5

The categories are used in further analysis, evaluation, or design, according to project specific requirements.


  • Tests independently and simultaneously performed
  • Remote setting
  • Low-cost crowdsourcing
  • Only one researcher required
  • Scientifically validated
  • Triangulated quantitative and qualitative analysis

More methods
that I apply

A/B testing

Randomized comparison of two variants

Association test

Collecting ideas and mental associations with a product or design

Card sorting

A group of people organizes topics into  categories

Cognitive walkthrough

Step-by-step evaluation from the user’s viewpoint

Competitor analysis

Assessing strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors

Contextual Inquiry

A semi-structured interview method, used while users are in their typical environments

Discourse analysis

Analyzing multimodal semiotic artifacts for discovering underlying knowledge

Ethnographic observation

Learning about users by observing them in real-life contexts of use

Focus group

Interview of a group of people in which their reactions are studied


A series of questions that provide qualitative and quantitative information from participants

Think aloud protocol

Participants talk about their experience while performing tasks

Usability testing

Evaluation of the functionality of a product by observing users in a laboratory environment

User diary

Collecting qualitative self-reported data about activities and experiences by participants over time