Contact Me

I have been involved in user experience and human-computer interaction for more than 15 years.

My working method is characterized by my deep knowledge of theory, research, and practice and the ability to combine and apply these to create superior products.

I teach and apply agile, creative, and analytical methods, already proven successful in leading up to 10 teams at a time.

Using universal and intuitive design, my personal goal is to improve interaction between people worldwide.

Daniel Bühler, PhD, MA, MFA, MEd
UX Strategist & Product Owner

design thinkin
product management
usability and user experience professional

I look forward to working with you

Daniel Bühler

Ringbahnstraße 29

12051 Berlin


Here is more about me

Awards & Scholarships

Art Directors Club Germany

Europrix MultimediaAward – Gold
International Center for New Media

Graduate scholarship
The Society of Friends and Sponsors of the Folkwang University of the Arts

Merit scholarship
Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Multimedia State Award Austria – Innovation Award
State of Austria

Online Star Silver
Publishing Group Ebner Ulm

PhD scholarship
German Research Foundation

Postgraduate studies scholarship
Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Publication grant
Brandenburg Center for Media Studies

Research residency and travel grants
Brandenburg University of Technology, German Research Foundation, National Research Focus Image Criticism

Scholarship for gifted students
State of Rhineland-Palatinate

Scholarship for studies abroad
Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Student award for outstanding achievements in physics
German Physical Society

YoungTalent Award – Gold
German Multimedia Congress

Education & Certificates

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Human-Computer Interaction / Design Research
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus – Senftenberg

Master of Arts (MA) Design Studies
University of Duisburg-Essen / Folkwang University of Arts

Diplom Designer (MFA) Communication Design
Folkwang University of Arts

1. State Examination (MEd) General Psychology – Language and Cognition
University of Duisburg-Essen

Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience (Trainer Authorization)
UXQB – International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board e.V.

Design Thinking in Organizations
University of Potsdam, Hasso-Plattner-Institut

Digital Product Management
University of Virginia, Darden School of Business

Textbooks & Papers

Universal, Intuitive, and Permanent Pictograms:
A Human-Centered Design Process Grounded in Embodied Cognition, Semiotics, and Visual Perception
Springer Nature 2021

Klassiker des ungarischen Films
(with Dominik Hilfenhaus et al.)
Schüren Verlag 2019–klassiker-des-ungarischen-films.html

Valenzen fotografischen Zeigens
(with Natascha Pohlmann et al.)
Jonas Verlag 2016

Universal and Intuitive? Scientific Guidelines for Icon Design
with Fabian Hemmert & Jörn Hurtienne. In: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2020 (MuC’20), September 6–9, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2020, 13 pages, DOI: 10.1145/3404983.3405518

New Aesthetics and Long-Standing Notions of Truthful Representation: On Post-Photographic Cell Phone Images and Hito Steyerl’s Documentary Work
In: Friedrich Tietjen, Maria Gourieva (eds.), After Post-Photography. International Journal of Cultural Research (ISSN 2079-1100), (4/37), 2019, S. 27-37

Let Truth be the Prejudice? Multimodale Diskursanalyse zur ‚Wahrheit‘ fotografischer Bilder am Beispiel der Agentur Magnum Photos
In: Christian Kreuz, Ruth Mell & David Römer (eds.), Aktuelle Tendenzen der interdisziplinären Diskursforschung. Diskurse – digital, (1.3), 2019, S. 111-131. DOI: 10.25521/diskurse-digital.2019.100

Amerikanische Ansichten / Amerikai anzix (1975) (Zum experimentellen Dokumentarfilm)
In: Daniel Bühler, Dominik Hilfenhaus & Stephan Krause (eds.), Klassiker des ungarischen Films. Marburg: Schüren Verlag 2019, S. 97-106

Das Fotobuch als multimodale Metapher am Beispiel von Geert van Kesterens Baghdad Calling (2008)
In: Digitalisierung, NEUE kunstwissenschaftliche forschungen (3), 2017, S. 48-57, DOI: 10.11588/nkf.2017.3.59518

Fotografisches Zeigen als motivierte Kommunikation. Zur fortwährenden Neu-Produktion von Fotografien in der Theorie Gunther Kress’
In: Katharina Sykora, Natascha Pohlmann, Daniel Bühler u.a. (eds.), Valenzen fotografischen Zeigens. Marburg: Jonas Verlag 2016, S. 284-299

Chambres d’Amis – X Wohungen – Erlkönig
In: Rahner, Pio (eds.), Erlkönig (Katalog zur Ausstellung), Bremen 2015, S. 4-15

Form und Funktion
In: Meier, Cordula (eds.), Begriffsgeschichte Designtheorie. Essen 2014 (im Druck)

Como Sr. Greenberg hubiera querido la foto / Comment Clement Greenberg aurait souhaité la photographie
(Spanisch / Französisch) In: EFE24, No. 1, Madrid 2010, S. 5-12

Societies & Associations

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Special Interest Group Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI)

Association of scholarship holders and former scholarship holders of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (VSA)

German Informatics Society (GI)
Department of Human-Computer Interaction

German Society for Media Studies (GfM)
Media Semiotics Working Group

German UPA
Working Group on Quality Standards